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Useful flight information from Dublin to Catania
Departure airportDublin | |
Arrival airportCatania, Sigonella |
Dublin Airport
The IATA code for the airport Dublin is DUB
Dublin Airport, (DUB), is an international airport serving Dublin, Ireland and is operated by theDublin Airport Authority. It is located 6.2 mi north of Dublin City in a once-rural area near Swords, in the county of Fingal, Ireland. In 2012, over 19 million passengers passed through the airport, making it the busiest of the state's airports by a total passenger traffic, followed by Cork Airport and Shannon Airport. It also has the greatest traffic levels on the island of Ireland followed by Belfast International Airport, George Best Belfast City Airport, Cork and Shannon Airport.It is served by buses and taxis. Plans to connect the airport to Swords and Dublin city centre via a rapid transit line (Metro North) have been postponed by the Government.The airport has an extensive short and medium haul network, served by an array of carriers.
based on 716 reviews
- Check-in/Luggage collection7
- Shops7
- Ease of Access/Transit 7
- Information7
- Car rental location7
- Restaurants/Cafes7
- Public transport7
All airports in Catania
The IATA code for the airport Catania is CTA
based on 715 reviews
- Ease of Access/Transit 7
- Public transport6
- Check-in/Luggage collection7
- Information6
- Restaurants/Cafes7
- Shops6
- Car rental location6
Reasons to book your Dublin - Catania tickets with Logitravel
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